Executive Performance Evaluations

HR Managers know it is important to have accurate job descriptions, and for supervisors to conduct annual employee performance evaluations based on those job descriptions. But who is conducting the annual performance evaluation of the supervisors, directors and executive director? In many organizations and municipalities, the executive director reports to a board of directors, a city/county council, or board of regents. These boards are usually ill-equipped to conduct the necessary evaluations, and often employees are reluctant to provide honest and constructive feedback. Bellingham Mediation & Consulting designs custom evaluation tools and surveys specifically to obtain anonymous 360-degree feedback of executives and directors from their direct reports as well as board and council members whom they report to.

We needed a neutral person to design and perform a performance evaluation of a high-level director. Sheri’s anonymous evaluation survey, given through personal conversations allowed employees and board members to speak freely. We gained much needed information and feedback in order to address concerns that had surfaced. – Executive Director

Custom executive evaluations include various survey styles designed to capture Management Skills, Leadership Skills and Overall Effectiveness through in-person anonymous conversations using identical survey questions to gather quantitative data, as well as open-ended comments for more in-depth qualitative feedback.


Bellingham Mediation & Consulting maintains the utmost confidentiality with regard to all its cases and clients.